Turbo-Charge your careers website with AI powered tools

We leverage the power of AI to turbo-charge your careers website using search, chat, CV builders and other tools to engage with prospective talent.

AI Generated Search Tools

Offer the best user experience with AI generated search tools that offer improved, personalised results that learn as users conduct queries; making it easier and faster for them to get to the information they are looking for.   
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AI Generated Chat Tools

Unlock 24/7 support that gives clients responses within seconds. No matter what time of day (or night) visitors message your business, with AI generated chat tools they can get a response quickly, prompting improved client satisfaction.
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AI Generated CV Builders

Enable prospective talent to generate beautiful CV's / resumes all powered by AI. 
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AI Driven Pre-Employment Testing

Pre-employment testing is a valuable way to get insights into a candidate’s job-specific skills, personality, and attributes beyond those listed in their resume.  Embed pre-emplyment tests and video screening within your careers website.
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Turbo charge your careers website with AI

Create a more personalised experience by leveraging the power of AI within your careers website.

Why include AI within your careers website?

Provide a more personalised experience for visitors to your careers website. From AI driven search results to AI driven pre-screenng assessments and video interviews, AI can turbo charge your careers website.
AI driven search results
Integratoin with your ATS or jobs board aggregators
Automatically post jobs to Google and multiple job boards
AI driven chat tools and cv builders
AI driven onboarding and inductions

Let’s talk! A quick conversation is the easiest way to get to understand your unique goals and requirements, and explore how we can help. 

Arrange a call
CareerPaths is a brand name from loyaltyMATTERS Ltd. We help organisations attract and retain motivated talent by providing highly visual, interactive careers maps, websites and self-assessment tools.

Office address

@ LoyaltyMATTERS Ltd
104 Station Parade,
North Yorkshire

Tel: 01423 857 900
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